For all those contestants that qualified into The Tour Championship, in line with Fed Ex Cup guidelines below are the points that will be deducted from your final score*
NOTE: As we cannot have that happen automatically they will be deducted at the completion of the tournament to decide the final outcome of our contest.
These points are based on where you finished after the Women's Olympic qualifying.
Sportyone - 10 points
Cheetie - 8 points
McGaff - 7 points
ancona - 6 points
melder - 5 points
Bonesy,kram kadiv,Conifer Kev,kiwilefty,Anniewood - 4 points
Fourmore,yooodeano,dee,Leanca,Blakey - 3 points
ted,duckstail,Painter,Woodie,curly - 2 points
gazzawood,tigermoth,Captain,Cage47Syndicate,Jafalad 1 points
boss,WakaBlonde,hooksey,pornstar,Rossco - 0 points
*Players in the Tour Championship traditionally start under par by a number of strokes in relation to the other players in the field see the Home Page for a full rundown on those rankings.